Many Florida residents may find planning for the possibility of divorce useful. It is not unrealistic to consider that a marriage will not last forever, as numerous couples choose to end their relationships every day. In fact, planning tools, such as prenuptial agreements, can help interested parties address property division and other areas long before the need arises.
Some individuals may go a little overboard with the divorce planning, however. A recent report indicated that a couple looking for a wedding photographer found issue with the contracts they had gone over so far. Apparently, there was no clause indicating that a refund would be given in the event that the couple divorced. Of course, most people would see no need for this type of guarantee when it comes to wedding photos.
This couple, however, stated that they would no longer need the pictures if they got divorced, which they apparently hoped would make their request seem less unbelievable. Their efforts did little to assuage suspicion, as many parties who viewed the request online had a hard time believing it was a serious question. Of course, without further input from the couple, it is difficult to be sure.
This example of pre-wedding divorce planning may leave many Florida residents feeling incredulous. However, they may still wish to consider other planning options and the possibility of discussing prenuptial agreements with knowledgeable attorneys. By coming to terms before the need comes about, couples may be able to save time, money and frustration in the future.
Source:, “Wedding Photographer Asked for Refund Guarantee in Case of Divorce“, DL Cade, June 7, 2017