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How to defend against lies and false accusations in a divorce

by | Sep 21, 2019 | Firm News

Even for the most amicable of couples, divorce does not come easy. From parenting time to property division, the situation may become rather complicated and challenging. Much is at stake when a marriage ends.

This fact may drive some spouses to lie to get custody of the children, acquire more assets or seek revenge on the person for leaving. Lies and accusations can cause real damage not only to the divorce case, but also in other areas of your life. How can you protect yourself in such a situation?

Document all communication

Many lies are not severe allegations of abuse and such, but rather small falsehoods to gain favor. The most important step in safeguarding yourself is documenting all forms of communication. Keep all texts, emails, letters, direct messages and screenshots of social media activity (as your ex may delete posts later). Avoid phone calls and private conversations, as recording those can be illegal except under certain circumstances. Ask your attorney for advice before proceeding with this route.

Be careful what you say

Even when you have proof of your words and actions, others may misinterpret what you say and do. Therefore, be careful what you say and do under all circumstances:

  • In front of your ex
  • Around your children
  • Around friends and family
  • At work
  • On social media
  • In public

During your divorce, it may be best to stay off social media altogether. Remember that privacy is not a true guarantee when it comes to online activity.

Follow laws

When your ex makes up stuff that leads to legal action against you, follow all rules during the investigation into the matter. Breaking them will only make the case against you stronger. In addition, take defensive legal action of your own to protect your rights and avoid making costly mistakes. Do not withhold your children from their lying parent or anything similar unless you have obtained permission from the court.

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