You just got divorced, and now you are worried about how you’ll manage on your own without an income or job. If this is your case, you have the right to ask your ex for alimony, which is a periodic or a lump sum payment that will help you until you adjust to being...
Time is running out to lock in Florida alimony tax deductions
Time is running out for couples planning to divorce before new alimony tax rules kick in at the start of 2019. For those in Florida who want to retain the ability to claim alimony payments as tax deductible, there are only a few weeks left to hammer out any remaining...
Understanding the basics of alimony
For some Florida divorcees, the idea of making regular support payments to an ex-spouse is extremely uncomfortable. Still, alimony is an important part of family law that is not going away any time soon. To avoid being caught off guard, individuals who suspect they...
Consider a new credit card as a Florida alimony back-up plan
In many cases, a divorcing spouse has a fairly good idea of what to expect when it comes to spousal support. A skilled divorce attorney can review the family's finances and provide a decent estimation of how the property division process will work out and what level...
A spousal support law firm can ensure a fair outcome
Negotiating spousal support can be one of the most difficult parts of a divorce. For many Florida spouses, the assistance of a spousal support law firm not only leads to a more favorable outcome, it also provides invaluable peace of mind. As alimony negotiations...
Questions on tax changes? Ask a spousal support law firm
Most Florida residents are aware of the recently passed Republican tax bill. Some of those changes will go into effect in the new year, while others have a delayed start. One of the biggest changes in the new tax structure is the fact that spouses who pay alimony will...
Florida headlines in divorce case of Jesse Jackson Jr.
Certain readers may have read news coverage of the end of the marriage between Jesse Jackson, Jr., and his wife, Sandi Jackson. The couple have been in the headlines in recent years after they were accused of misappropriating campaign funds that were intended for use...
Check the details in a Punta Gorda divorce agreement
When it comes to divorce, few things are more critical than getting the financials right. The manner in which property division, child support and spousal support are handled will have lasting ramifications. That is why it is so important to make sure that every...