Child custody cases are often emotionally charged and difficult for everyone involved. It is important to have a clear understanding of the facts and to dispel any myths that may cloud your judgment or create unrealistic expectations. There are several misconceptions...
Using a shared calendar to facilitate co-parenting
Using a shared calendar for co-parenting can help streamline communication, reduce conflicts, and ensure that both parents are on the same page when it comes to their children's schedules. Shared calendars keep important information in one central location so that...
Can a father get custody in Florida?
Child custody matters are always difficult because they will have a significant impact on the lives of the children involved. They also will affect you and the other parent, but the one thing to keep in mind above all else when it comes to custody is to put the...
Are there special holidays to consider in your parenting plan?
A comprehensive parenting plan will likely include numerous contingencies and important factors. From determining how punishments will be handled across both households to planning where the child stays over various school breaks, the parenting plan becomes the...
Will my military service be held against me concerning child custody?
Going through divorce with children involved is stressful enough, but if you are also serving in the active duty military you likely have additional problems on your mind. This may particularly weigh heavy on you when you are thinking about child custody issues. The...
How to avoid complications in a holiday parenting plan
Since the holiday season will officially come to a close in just a few short weeks, it might be time to reflect on troubles you and your ex faced so you can prepare for the future. Developing a comprehensive parenting plan that contains contingencies for holidays,...
Should we “nest?”
Dealing with child custody issues can be a very long and fraught process. The good news is that, even if you and your ex-spouse are no longer married, this does not mean that you cannot have a positive parenting relationship and create a stable home for your children....
4 keys to a good custody exchange
You may think that divorce means the end of your relationship with your ex-spouse. But if you have kids, that may not be the case. The end of your marriage means the beginning of a new relationship: parenting partners. It is a difficult transition, with some of the...
Does the woman get custody?
It used to be very common for the mother of a child to automatically end up with sole custody of a child after divorce, particularly if the child was young. However, this is no longer the approach in the modern courtroom. It is actually far more common for the courts...
What you need to know about parental alienation
Custody disputes can be downright brutal. After all, if you and your former spouse cannot agree on legal custody, physical placement or support payments, you may face a great deal of uncertainty. That is, you may have to ask a judge to intervene in your custody...