Many readers are familiar with the humiliation that has faced top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Long considered one of Clinton’s closest advisers and a personal friend, Abedin has largely chosen to remain outside of the spotlight during her political career. She has been thwarted in those efforts, however, by her husband’s ongoing poor choices in regard to sexual behavior. Many in Florida are aware that Anthony Weiner, once a congressman, is now facing federal prison time for his involvement in sending sexual text messages to a teenage girl.
This is not the first sex scandal that Weiner has been the center of, but it does appear to the one that has broken his wife’s considerably strong and flexible back. Abedin filed for divorce in the wake of criminal charges against her husband. Despite facing criticism for years about choosing to stand by her husband’s side, she is now displaying savvy decision-making as she moves forward in her divorce.
Abedin has delayed the initial hearing in the case until several days after Weiner’s sentencing hearing. That move will allow her to construct a property division and child custody negotiation that is in line with the length of time that Weiner will spend behind bars in federal prison. It is impossible to create a child custody arrangement if it is unclear whether the other parent is going to be imprisoned, and equally impossible to discuss matters of child support or spousal support if the other party will be unable to earn a living for an extended period of time.
Abedin has certainly received her fair share of criticism over the years, and has likely gone through considerable personal distress based on her husband’s sex scandals. However, she did not reach her level of professional success without a degree of strength and resolve, and it appears that she is ready to put those skills to good use in determining how her divorce and child custody case will move forward. Many in Florida applaud her decision to move on with her life, even if that choice was a long time in the making.
Source: New York Post, “Huma delays divorce hearing until after Weiner’s sentencing“, Julia Marsh, June 14, 2017