Virtually everyone understands the importance of making solid financial decisions during the course of a divorce. However, one aspect of divorce that is often overlooked by Florida spouses is the need for proper timing. The timeframe for filing and finalizing a...
A marital agreements lawyer can answer questions on debt
Many Florida residents have questions about how student loan debt is treated during a divorce. The answer is not as simple as many people believe, which is why it makes sense to consult with a marital agreements lawyer prior to tying the knot. No one wants to be...
Considerations of custody and religion for Florida parents
The vast majority of child custody cases involve two parents who are unable to come to terms over the care and custody of their shared children. Often, both parents simply want to spend as much time as possible with their kids, and many are able to work out custody...
A few things to keep in mind as you a divorce
Many divorces go relatively smoothly, while others equate to rough rides for both partners. While there is nearly always intense pain and emotion during the process, you can do a few things to help yourself better weather this huge change in your life. Anticipate and...
American Indian child custody issues in Florida
Child custody cases are often the most difficult legal battles that anyone will ever face. Custody matters are complicated enough when the fight is between two parents who are unable to agree on how to divide parenting time and duties. However, there are certain child...
4 strategies for surviving divorce
Divorce is rarely a fun time in anyone's life, although it may bring feelings of relief and release to some people. To others, it may lead to feelings of guilt and depression. Regardless of the reason you are divorcing, there are things you can do to survive the...