A recent news story serves as an example to parents across the nation of how not to approach child custody disputes. The case began as a difference of opinion between a 7-year-old girl's parents as to with whom she should reside, and ended with the felony arrest of...
The value of a Florida Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Working through the details of a divorce can be difficult. For many, the financial aspects of the process are daunting, and it can be hard to know which decisions will best support one's future financial goals. That is why hiring the services of a Certified Divorce...
Maximizing time with your property division lawyer
Going through a divorce can be a hectic time, full of tasks that need to be accomplished and important decisions that must be made. Having access to a good property division lawyer is a crucial part of walking away with a favorable settlement agreement. However, most...
Terminating parental rights of an incarcerated person in Florida
There are many difficult choices a parent must sometimes be willing to make for the good of a child. As hard as it can be, sometimes the best thing for the wellbeing of a child is to pursue the termination of parental rights for a parent who has been incarcerated....
Florida Nirvana fans won’t believe this divorce twist
Many readers are aware that Francis Bean Cobain (daughter of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain) is heading for divorce court. What some Florida residents may be shocked to learn is the extent to which the young woman's husband of not even two years feels should be his as...