Divorce is much more complicated with kids involved. As a parent, you do not want to cause lingering issues with your child. However, sometimes divorce is the only option, and you need to make the best of things. According to the CDC, Florida had a divorce rate of 3.5...
How do you handle health insurance during a divorce?
You have a lot to sort out while navigating your divorce, including changes to your insurance plans. Which changes should you initiate with your health coverage provider? WebMD offers suggestions for protecting health care coverage while ending a marriage. Take steps...
First steps in a domestic battery defense
Florida takes domestic violence very seriously. A guilty plea results in a lifetime criminal record, with no option to expunge or seal the charge. According to Florida statutes, domestic battery occurs from unlawful contact against a spouse, ex-spouse, individuals...
Reviewing examples of domestic violence
If you are facing domestic violence allegations, your life could turn upside down for many different reasons. You could immediately sustain serious damage to your reputation, costing you your job or resulting in the loss of close friends. These allegations can also...
Underage drunk driving charges in Florida
As a driver under the age of 21, or the parent of a young driver, you need to understand state laws regarding drunk driving and those who have not reached the legal drinking age. In fact, some drivers do not realize that the blood alcohol content (BAC) level limit is...
Statistics on divorce in Florida
If you want to end your marriage, you could have a number of important issues to review, especially if you have kids or significant assets. Sometimes, people feel guilty or worry about how a divorce could affect their reputation. However, many couples get divorced...
Going over different types of drug paraphernalia
Drug charges take many forms, from drug possession to manufacturing illegal substances. In fact, the consequences of a seemingly minor case could turn your life upside down. For example, if you face charges over the alleged possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia,...
Court actions over unpaid child support
If you cannot pay child support because you lost your job, or you worry about staying current due to a medical crisis you face, it is essential to go over your options. Sometimes, parents can modify their child support order to avoid falling behind, while others plan...
Will I go to jail for a first-time drug offense?
Punishments for drug possession in Florida vary greatly. Factors influencing the potential charges and penalties you face include your criminal history, the amount you possessed, and the type of drug. Keep in mind that there are no guarantees when it comes to drug...