During the course of a child custody case, Florida parents sometimes go to great lengths to secure more time with their children. In some cases, these disputes become very nasty, with both sides making harsh allegations against each other. When the couple involved...
Could sexual orientation be an issue in Florida custody cases?
Parents who are preparing for a child custody battle must take the time to view their position from all angles. That means taking a critical view of anything and everything that could conceivably be presented as evidence of poor parenting if the matter ends up in a...
A marital agreements lawyer can help protect inheritance
When it comes to protecting an inheritance from loss during property division, it is important to take a proactive approach. That means securing the services of a Florida marital agreements lawyer as soon as possible. By crafting a thorough prenuptial agreement that...
Family law attorney explains child support increase
The ongoing divorce between Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife Sandi Jackson has been making headlines for several months now. The couple remains at odds over the jurisdiction in which their case will be heard. However, in a recent and unexpected shift, Jesse Jackson Jr....
Does your child feel at home?
If your child lives with you less than full time, there may be a greater risk of the child not feeling like it is his or her home. If you are a father and have joint custody or visitation, here are some ideas to make your child feel at home. Set aside a space just for...