While being charged with a DUI in any state is a serious offense, it is important to understand that different states have different laws and thus different repercussions for DUI. In the state of Florida, it is possible that you will need to participate in the Florida...
Faulty breathalyzers and inaccurate field sobriety tests
There are countless reasons why people are charged with driving under the influence even though they were not intoxicated at the time they were stopped. For example, when breathalyzers are faulty they do not always provide accurate results. In some cases, they show...
What a father should do to obtain equal custody rights
Many fathers lack a clear understanding of their legal rights after a divorce, especially when their children are involved. Therefore, they may give up on the custody due to fear of losing the case in court. However, the rights of the mother over their children are...
Life after divorce as a newly single over-60 adult
According to the Pew Research Center, 34% of couples married over 30 years found themselves going through a “gray” divorce. Reportedly, 12% of the couples surveyed noted a married life of at least 40 years. Entering retirement as a single individual in Florida has...
Understanding sobriety checkpoints in Florida
If you drive with a blood alcohol concentration above Florida’s 0.08% legal limit, you probably expect to face criminal charges. After all, state law does not look favorably upon intoxicated motorists. While officers may stop a specific vehicle if they suspect its...
Is electronic snooping an indicator of divorce?
Marriages are not easy, and now and again, couples go through rough periods. That is the typical marriage for most couples. Arguments and disagreements are bound to happen as the pressure of children, work, and money continues. However, if you work together as a...