If you receive a DUI charge in Florida, you may qualify for a restricted driver's license. This type of license gives you permission to drive under certain circumstances with a suspended license. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, upon...
What is the difference between a sexual offender and sexual predator?
Florida has two types of sexual predatory lists or registries. One includes sexual predators and the other includes sexual offenders. According to the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, the main difference between a sexual offender and...
Avoid these common financial mistakes in divorce
Florida couples going through divorce may make decisions that have a long-lasting effect on their financial health. Forbes warns against common financial mistakes divorcing couples sometimes make. Watch out for taxable distributions from retirement accounts Resist the...
4 ways children benefit from having involved fathers
It was not only traditional in past decades for mothers to be the main, and sometimes only, caretaker of the children while fathers played a breadwinner role. The belief was that only women could take proper care of children and that men were incapable of nurturing....
How can you divide your home equity when you divorce?
When you and your spouse decide to part ways, you must figure out how to divide up your shared possessions in a manner that satisfies both of you. For many married couples, a home is the most valuable asset the two parties share. If this describes your situation, you...
What is a hardship license?
Losing your driving privileges because of a DUI arrest can be a major burden on your life as it can keep you from driving to work or to handle tasks for your family. You may challenge the initial suspension of your driving license, but even if your challenge does not...
Joint custody: Is it in the best interests of the child?
One of the most difficult topics to negotiate during a divorce proceeding is that of child custody. Not only is it hard for children to transition from a traditional family to a single-parent household, but it can be emotional for parents to limit the amount of time...