Divorcing couples tend to focus on the most obvious marital assets, such as the family home, vehicles and joint bank accounts. However, many forget to address other important assets that could hold significant value. Acknowledging these overlooked marital assets can...
Dividing assets and debts in divorce
A divorcing couple will likely face numerous challenges through the process. From determining child support and crafting a parenting plan to dividing assets and debts, the couple will need to reach agreements on numerous topics. Separating the family’s finances in...
The emotional side of property distribution
When a married couple works through their divorce, the division of marital property is often one of the most contentious topics that they will have to confront. Sometimes, property division moves along smoothly and both parties are satisfied with the outcome. That...
Challenges women face during the property division process
Women in Florida who are getting ready to divorce likely know that they may face certain financial challenges in the weeks and months ahead. Statistics indicate that women fare worse than men do in the property division process and post-divorce income levels. This...
How the property division process can impact a small business
Divorce will bring significant changes to a person's life, and his or her finances will change as well. For a Florida business owner, the property division process may also impact the business as well. Because of the complicated way that divorce and business sometimes...
Making smart choices during the property division process
The choices made during divorce will have widespread implications for a person. No matter how many assets are at stake or how long a Florida couple has been married, making good decisions during the property division process is crucial. This is not always easy, which...
Protecting investments during the property division process
Divorce will certainly bring financial changes and adjustments to both parties. It requires both spouses to get used to new circumstances, make changes to lifestyle expectations and adjust to different future prospects. One primary concern for many in Florida as they...
Property division and its impact on future finances
The choices made during divorce will impact a person for years to come. For Florida couples, it may be better to set aside the temporary emotions that come up during this process in order to focus on securing terms that allow for a strong financial future. Property...
Fair property division and its impact on retirement security
Divorce changes many things about a person's life, including his or her financial stability. The impact of a property division order can be felt for years to come, which is why it is important for a person nearing retirement to seek terms that are fair and reasonable....
Without careful planning, divorce can come at a steep cost
When a Florida couple decides to move forward with ending their marriage, they understand there are significant financial implications that come with this decision. There are always financial adjustments that have to be made after this process, even when couples are...