The summer months are busy for Florida families. Children are out of school, and they may be busy with things like camp, swim lessons, time with friends and much more. Schedules are hectic, and this can make things complicated for parents who share child custody. When drafting custody orders, it can help to account for potential summertime complications in order to reduce problems and disputes.
Summer can throw things off with even the most thorough child custody plan. Parents may want to expect summer to be busier and more complicated, and they will find benefit in having a system in place so they can communicate well and maintain mutual respect. Adjustments may be necessary, but it is possible to deal with unexpected schedule changes, transportation needs and other issues in a reasonable manner.
During the summer, Florida parents may find it beneficial to take a close look at their parenting plans. Children need time to enjoy their summer, but it’s also important for them to have time with each parent as well. In some cases, it may be prudent to adjust the terms of parenting plans to account for summer schedules. If parents want to rework their custody plan but cannot agree on terms, mediation or other steps may help.
No matter the issue, it is always beneficial to focus on keeping the best needs of the children as the priority. With this goal in mind, it is possible for parents to work amicably through summer-related child custody issues. If a parent wants to make any changes to a parenting plan, however, he or she will find it beneficial to seek guidance regarding the optimal way to accomplish this.