While being charged with a DUI in any state is a serious offense, it is important to understand that different states have different laws and thus different repercussions for DUI. In the state of Florida, it is possible that you will need to participate in the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program if you get pulled over for DUI. According to Findlaw, being required to participate in the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program is up to the discretion of the judge for the first offense, but it is mandatory for a second offense.
Essentially, the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program requires you to have an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle in order to continue being able to legally operate it. The idea behind an interlock device is that you need to breathe into it in order to start the vehicle. Then, you will need to continue to breathe into the interlock device at random times while operating the vehicle. During these periods, the interlock ignition device will detect whether or not there is any alcohol on your breath. If so, the car will either not start or cease to function, depending on when it is monitoring your breath.
Again, for first-time offenders with DUI, you may or may not need to install an interlock device. The second time you are convicted of DUI, you will be required to participate in the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program for one year. A third conviction, or more than this, will require at least two years of participation in the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program or potentially more, depending on the discretion of the judge and mitigating circumstances.