You may feel uneasy when a Florida law enforcement officer pulls you over, and this may be the case even if you are not doing anything wrong. If that officer asks to perform a search of your vehicle, you may feel even more anxious, but, depending on circumstances, you may be able to stop that search from taking place.
A law enforcement officer has to have a warrant to look around your home if you do not consent to him or her doing so. Yet, this is not the case when it comes to looking through your car. Instead, whether authorities have the right to search your car or truck during a traffic stop depends on whether probable cause exists.
When probable cause exists
“Probable cause” refers to some type of proof or evidence of wrongdoing taking place. Seeing open liquor bottles on your backseat is one possible example of probable cause. Smelling an illegal substance wafting out when you open your door or roll down your window is another example of probable cause.
When probable cause is lacking
If the officer who stops your car does not have probable cause or a warrant and you do not want him or her to conduct a search of your vehicle, say so. Without probable cause, a warrant or your consent, authorities have no legal leg to stand on if they want to search your vehicle.
Keep in mind that, even if you refuse the search request, you should do so politely. Taking an antagonistic approach when communicating with law enforcement is unlikely to work in your favor.