One of the most difficult topics to negotiate during a divorce proceeding is that of child custody. Not only is it hard for children to transition from a traditional family to a single-parent household, but it can be emotional for parents to limit the amount of time...
What are field sobriety tests?
When members of law enforcement suspect you are drunk, they may ask you to perform field sobriety tests. Officers use a set of standardized field sobriety tests to gauge your level of intoxication. According to, many drivers divide their attention span on...
Drug possession sentence depends on whether misdemeanor or felony
The type and amount of a substance allegedly found by law enforcement determines whether a Florida drug possession charge classifies as a misdemeanor or felony. In some municipalities, individuals found with less than 20 grams of cannabis may face a misdemeanor...
We wish everyone knew these things about civil rights
Your best ally in a criminal defense is yourself. You hold a great deal of power, regardless of how you might feel if you were arrested — regardless of what town or state representatives might say or imply. This power comes in the form of your civil rights. They could...
What causes neonatal abstinence syndrome?
The use of addictive drugs during your pregnancy could have negative effects on your baby, both in the short term and the long term. The use of certain substances can cause a collection of symptoms known as neonatal abstinence syndrome. According to Medline Plus, NAS...
What are the different types of tranquilizers?
Tranquilizer drugs are also called depressants because of the way they work on the central nervous system. Your doctor may prescribe you tranquilizers or depressants if you suffer from anxiety and/or have difficulty sleeping. Tranquilizers may also be useful for...
A college drug charge may lead to a lifetime of consequences
Media glamorization, peer influence and constantly evolving social beliefs about legalization vs. control of various substances all contribute to the temptation young adults face when headed to college. According to a 2016 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental...
Sentencing reform and trends in Florida
Tampa Bay Times recently highlighted a case that sparked Florida Senate Bill 346. The court sentenced a first time offender to 15 years in prison for attempting to sell a small number of pills to an undercover officer. The “mandatory minimum” in effect at the time of...
How bad is the opioid crisis?
If you have been paying attention to the news in the past few years, you may have noticed a lot of articles about the opioid crisis. The media often spends a lot of resources on anything sensational to attract viewers, so some people may wonder if the crisis is as bad...
What is the Florida Ignition Interlock Device Program?
While being charged with a DUI in any state is a serious offense, it is important to understand that different states have different laws and thus different repercussions for DUI. In the state of Florida, it is possible that you will need to participate in the Florida...